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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

SERVPRO of Hershey on Restaurant Impossible

12/9/2015 (Permalink)

"Until this kitchen is cleaned they way I want it - it doesn't get cooked in...we brought in a professional team" Robert Irvine

SERVPRO of Hershey was brought in to help restore an 'impossible' kitchen dissaster by Restaurant Impossible for its Dec 3rd 2016 show titled "Ambush; Facing Fear"

The show really does depict the transformation of a restaurant in only 24 hours - without any notice.  So this was a job for the Disaster and Clean-up team that is "FASTER TO ANY DISASTER"!

Ambush;Facing Fears

If you ever find yourself faced with an 'impossible' fire, water, mold or bio hazard clean-up project in the Harrisburg area - call SERVRPO of Harrisburg 717-561-1404

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