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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Tips to be prepared for Severe Weather

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

If your home has been impacted by storm damage, SERVPRO of Hershey/Harrisburg East will respond quickly to assist in any repairs.

It is not at all uncommon for warm conditions to bring severe weather to the Hershey and Harrisburg areas, which causes many people to discount the dangers posed by a thunderstorm. This is not a wise thing to do, as any thunderstorm has the capability to be dangerous to property and to the people in its path. In order to be ready for any weather, boosting your household’s preparedness in advance is one of the best things to do.

Understanding weather watches and warnings, obtaining household disaster supplies and having a secondary way to receive weather updates are all great ways to increase your preparedness and safety.

Understand Weather Watches and Warnings

The system with which weather experts communicate with the public is designed to be clear and concise, but if you are not aware of what their terms mean, it can be confusing. A weather watch refers to atmospheric conditions that are capable of producing the weather event in question, but have not yet done so. A weather warning refers to weather that is already on the ground or spotted on the radar—this is when you will want to seek cover to wait out the storm.

Obtain Household Disaster Supplies

If you need to wait out severe weather in your home, it is important to remain safe and comfortable while you do so. Having sufficient food and water for your family is a great place to start, as well as flashlights, batteries and a first-aid kit for increased visibility and safety. Additionally, have an area in mind where you can wait out the worst of the storm, such as a bathroom or hallway that does not have external openings.

Have a Secondary Way to Receive Weather Updates

Our cell phones are our primary source of connection with updates from the outside world, but for severe weather, they are not always the most reliable thing to depend on. Because batteries can die in power outages or cell signals can be knocked out, it is smart to get a secondary way to receive alerts that is not dependent on the power grid or cell towers—a manually or battery powered weather radio will generally serve this purpose well.

If your home has been impacted by storm damage, SERVPRO of Hershey/Harrisburg East is here for you.

You can contact us 247 at 717-533-FIRE to get a quick response to your home’s damages.

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