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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Commercial Blog Posts

Restoring Your Hershey / Harrisburg East Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

Contact SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East for all of your commercial water damage needs! 717-561-1404

Flooding and water damage events at Hershey / Harrisburg East commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East

SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Improve Your Air Quality: Duct Cleaning Can Help!

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

To schedule an appointment, contact SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East at 717-561-1404 today.

The ventilation system is often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality, but you can help change that! Inspecting the ductwork in your home should be a high priority. In most cases, the HVAC system has been operating for some time without much attention. Dirty ducts can circulate odors, contaminants such as mold, and irritating dust throughout your home.

A routine part of SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East’s service is inspecting the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit (HVAC). Keeping the HVAC and duct work clean can potentially extend the life-span of the equipment by allowing it to operate at peak condition, which may help save you money. Duct cleaning may not always be necessary. The professionals at SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East will inspect your HVAC system and duct will and make recommendations about the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns. This inspection can help save you money and provide peace of mind on the health of your HVAC system and ductwork.

In some circumstances, such as after a fire, smoke, or suspected mold growth, duct cleaning becomes an essential part of the cleanup process. In these cases, the professionals at SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East can often restore the HVAC system and duct work to pre-damage condition.

If you have a fuel-burning furnace, stove, or fireplace, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends it be inspected for proper functioning and be services before each heating season to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning.

The SERVPRO duct cleaning system is proven and cost-efficient. Unlike the majority of duct cleaning services, the professionals at SERVPRO of Hershey / Harrisburg East use a portable ventilation and ait duct cleaning system to examine ductwork and make a clean sweep, removing years of dust and grime.

No Disaster Is Too Big! | SERVPRO® of Hershey/Harrisburg East (717)-533-FIRE

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Commercial Storm Damage Cleanup & Restoration | SERVPRO® of Hershey/Harrisburg East (717)-533-FIRE

When a natural disaster strikes it can be all too easy to lose hope in light of severe damage and loss. Whether it’s a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood – the SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help fast.

No Disaster Is Too Big
The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, SERVPRO of Hershey/Swatara Professionals are prepared for the unpredictable.

With the ability to mobilize local command centers, along with the resources of more than 1,600 Franchises nationwide, no disaster is too big.

Should a catastrophic storm strike, call (717) 561-1404. SERVPRO of Hershey/Swatara proudly serves Hershey, Harrisburg, Hummelstown, Lebanon, Camp Hill, and surrounding areas.

Even in the face of a disaster, SERVPRO of Hershey/Swatara Professionals will strive to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Prepare Your Business for Any Emergency With Strategic Planning | SERVPRO® of Hershey/Harrisburg East

5/18/2022 (Permalink)

An office flooded after a disaster

Understanding the hazards your business may have to endure in the future can help you make smart decisions about risk management and damage prevention, especially when considering natural disasters. While a disaster can still be an inconvenience, if you are prepared in advance for one, you will have a much better time recovering and getting your business back to operational status in the aftermath.

While disaster preparedness may seem overwhelming, dividing it up into smaller tasks can make it much more manageable. With these three main categories, business owners can make sure they are hitting all the major points of preparedness and protecting their investment:

Your Commercial Insurance Coverage

Adequate insurance coverage is something that is extremely important for a business regardless of if a disaster is a possibility or not, but considering the impact that one can have, it makes it especially crucial. Many commercial policies are not enough to protect against disaster damage—specifics are excluded in some cases, and there are often gaps in what is covered at all. Be aware of what is built into your policy so you can know where additional coverage might be a wise investment.

Your Emergency Plan and Supply Kit

Being able to evacuate quickly in the event of a disaster can help you and your staff say much safer in the face of danger. Review the emergency evacuation protocol with everyone regularly to increase preparedness, including multiple scenarios and escape routes. Additionally, stock an emergency kit to be sure you have adequate supplies in case you are required to stay put instead of escaping.

Your Plan for Restoration and Recovery

Planning ahead for how you will go about restoration can be the single biggest factor in how quickly you are able to reopen. Being able to set the restoration process in motion quickly will be a big help, which is why we recommend working with a company in advance so that you know exactly who to call. It is also wise to look into the disaster assistance loans offered by the Small Business Administration as they can provide extra, low-interest funds for the recovery process.

If your business has been impacted by a disaster, you can contact us 24⁄7 for guidance on how to begin the commercial restoration process.

SERVPRO of Hershey/Harrisburg East


Business Restoration needs

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Hershey/Harrisburg East knows the commercial restoration process inside and out.

Because we work with Hershey and Harrisburg area business owners who need our support during business restoration, we understand how difficult it is to move forward after a disaster.

We understand a lot about what it takes to restore your business. With that in mind, our team has pulled together our best tips to help you move forward if a fire, flood or storm impacts your business.

Advice Business Owners Can Use

Here’s what you might want to consider if your business needs restoration services:

Don’t forget your plan. This tip isn’t as straightforward as it seems. But the shock of dealing with a disaster can make it harder to focus. That’s why your plan is important. Follow the steps you laid out and look at your options, which could include moving to a backup location.

Get your insurance company any documentation they need. You’ll be asked to provide things like photos of the items’ damage and inventory inside your business. Have these prepared and ready to share. If your insurer requests any additional documentation, get it ready and share it as soon as you can.

Keep the people who matter to your business in the loop. Don’t neglect to reach out to your suppliers, your employees, your customers and your community.. Social media is the right way for you to reach your wider community, but consider reaching out personally to your employees, suppliers and your loyal customers.

Don’t forget your own needs. Many business owners and their families are stressed and worried if a disaster strikes the business that forces them to close or change their business for a while. Be sure to get plenty of rest, eat a healthy diet and talk about how you’re coping with people you trust.

Choose restoration partners who offer proven results. Always choose trusted professionals who will give you regular updates and answer any of your questions.

If your business is damaged due to fire, water or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 24⁄7 in the event of an emergency. Contact SERVPRO of Hershey/Harrisburg East at  www.SERVPROhersheyswatara.com  or 717-533-FIRE to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

Tips on How to Reduce Business Interruption | SERVPRO® of Hershey/Harrisburg East

5/6/2022 (Permalink)

Large Commercial Loss Team | SERVPRO® of Hershey/Harrisburg East

The best way to reduce business interruption following a disaster is to plan for it NOW.

As many as 50% of businesses may never recover following a disaster, according to the latest industry research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. 

By developing a SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

Are You Ready?

Preparation is a key component for making it through any size disaster, whether it’s a small water leak, a large fire or an area flood. The best time for planning for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens. No one ever plans on a disaster, but you can plan for it. Now is the time to ask yourself, “Are you ready for whatever could happen?” 

The SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile is a start up approach that provides the critical information needed to begin mitigation and recovery services. It is designed to serve as a quick reference of important building and contact information. By working with SERVPRO’s Emergency READY Profile, your business will receive the benefit of over 40 years of experience in reducing the impact of any natural or man-made disaster. 

SERVPRO® is a leader in water and fire damage response and can help you quickly get your property back in working order.

The SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile is a no cost assessment of your facility. It provides: 

  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency - a guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster.
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin. This saves time so we can begin the work of mitigating the damage which can save you time and money.
  • Facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.  Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are “Ready for whatever happens.”

At SERVPRO of Hershey / Swatara - we are commited to partnering with our commercial clients to reduce business interruption in the event of any type of disssaster.  To this end - we also work very closely with our partners at the Red Cross - leveraging their resources and capabilities to supplement our own when disaster strikes.  

Call us at (717) 561-1404 to get started - it costs you nothing.  Not making the call may be VERY costly.